Missionaries, You Can Raise More Support & Get Fully Funded

If you’d like to develop a steady stream of recurring financial support with more stability and less stress so you can have greater impact, then reading this page will become one of the best investments you can make in your ministry.

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We've Re-Opened For A Limited-Time! Doors Close October 31st, 11:59pm PT.

Due to popular demand, we've re-opened access to Fully Funded Academy this fall for just a few days. Over 150 other missionaries and campus ministry leaders have joined us to get fully funded. Consider joining us!










Consistent funding (for any ministry) requires a shift away from old habits. The old way of raising support means uncomfortable face-to-face meetings, paper newsletters, tons of phone calls, or speaking at churches and hoping people give. But chasing donations and hoping one-time donors become monthly supporters is stressful and unpredictable.

That's Why We're Thrilled You Have An Interest In Fully Funded Academy.

We're Mary Valloni and Mike Kim, and the system we provide eliminates stress and helps you grow your donor base, stay "top of mind" with supporters, and build relationships in a way that creates dependable, reliable support for your ministry … every single month.

We've helped organizations like the American Cancer Society, the ALS Association, and the Special Olympics and ministries like Catalyst and People of the Second Chance generate millions of dollars. We've seen what works (and what doesn't) and we're here to help you build long-lasting, stress-free and stable financial support.


"The one idea Mary shared on building a fundraising support team has taken us from 35% funded to over 80% funded ... in under 100 days! I was starting to wear down a bit in my own striving, God’s grace took over when I took action and implemented this idea."

Pete & Sumari Witt
Missionaries in South Africa

So What is Fully Funded Academy?

Fully Funded Academy is a monthly membership training program that gives you the clarity and confidence to launch, grow, and scale your financial support base.

We’ve taken over 18 years of working with thousands of missionaries, ministries, and non-profits and distilled it down into the few key strategies that will make all the difference for you.

When you apply this system and strategies, you’ll have more breathing room, less stress, and a lot more time to do the work that matters.

Specifically, Fully Funded Academy is Based Around the 7 Core Strategies For Long-Term Support Raising Success, Starting With...

1. Focus Your Vision

How much do you need to become fully funded? We want you to see that your budget is not only worth funding, but it’s worth being fully funded! This is the foundational step that all of your support raising stands on. If you don’t know where you’re going, you’re never going to get there.

2. Run Your Research

Very few ministry leaders enjoy digging into the numbers to pull out the data. You would rather spend your time teaching, preaching, planting churches, and helping people in need. What you don’t realize is that a little research will give you incredible confidence to know that you’re asking the right people and for the right amount.

3. Enlist Your Team

Just like sports teams need team captains, you need a team captain for your support raising team. In this strategic step, you are looking for a sharp business-minded volunteer who is capable of showing others how to give generously and support your efforts. By inviting just one individual or couple to serve in this role, you’re showing others how they can give too!

4. Enhance Your Brand

It's natural to want to direct the attention away from yourself. Great leaders of our time like Mother Theresa or Billy Graham didn't want attention, either. But in an effort to reach as many people as possible, you need to step up and be the leaders people need you to be. A clear brand resonates with donors and allows friends, family, and supporters to refer others to you.

5. Deploy Your Team

All good teams are made up of strong team members who are clear on what their role is and isn’t. Every member needs to have ownership in a project or task that only they can do. If your team members don’t “feel” like they have the go ahead to share your message, they won’t. We'll give you the materials and the messaging to send your team out on your behalf to raise funds.

6. Organize Your Ask

You may feel uncomfortable or antsy when it comes to this part of the process, but you can avoid many common mistakes if you set up a process for "the ask". Your process will be different for individuals, churches and businesses. Once you know your audience and how they think, you’ll be able to customize a message that resonates directly with them. 

7. Make Your Difference

The reason you’re even asking for support is so you can ultimately make a difference in the world! There’s no greater change agent than the gospel of Jesus Christ. Being fully funded allows you to focus on the task at hand. It’s in this final step that we celebrate the incredible team of people you've pulled together and the life-changing work that your ministry is doing!

How Does Fully Funded Academy Work?

All the course materials, downloads and instructions are provided in a members only website. You’ll be able to follow along and learn at your own pace.

Exact Email and Support Letter Templates To Send Your Donors Every Month + Masterclasses & Live Coaching Calls

Each module is comprised of short video lessons. Downloadable audio, transcripts and summaries are also provided so that no matter how you like to learn, we have you covered. You'll get topics like "How to Write a Winning Support Letter", "How To Host a Support-Raising Event", and "How to Find New Donors".

On-Demand Access from Any Online Device

We also have fun interactive components that help you retain everything you’ve learned AND, the entire site is optimized for your mobile device so that learning on the go is easy and convenient.

We Will Be WITH You the Entire Time.

Fully Funded Academy is very step-by-step but it’s natural to have questions. That’s why we’ve gone to great lengths to ensure you’ll have coaches and colleagues with you throughout the journey to being fully funded.

Monthly Masterclasses

You get actionable and valuable strategies including How to Host a Fundraising Event, How to Ask for Referrals, and How to Write a Winning Support Letter.

Live Monthly Q&A Calls

Each month we'll host live Q&A calls (they'll be recorded if you can't make it or want to watch later). We'll address your specific needs you’ll get the clarity you need, LIVE.

Online Community

You can always get instant answers from the Academy community. Interact, engage and tap into the wisdom of students who are all growing or scaling their support.

Everything You Need Will Be At Your Fingertips. We're Not Throwing You Some Random Tactics, We're Training You In A Proven System.

This is based on our experience working with thousands of support raisers. It’s based on our real-world experience of being in the trenches helping missionaries, parachurch orgs, church plants, and NPOs like the American Cancer Society, the ALS Association, and the Special Olympics raise high 6 and even 7-figures.

It's also based on the hours and hours we spend every year consulting high level organizations from all around the world. These are the exact strategies and ideas you need to launch, grow, and scale your financial support and get fully funded. The best part? We're going to be with you every step of the way.

Who Is Fully Funded Academy For?

Our clients range from missionaries eager to be on the field in the next few months to those who have been on the field for years or even decades. All have the same mission: to fulfill the Great Commission and not let money (or the lack thereof) get in the way.

If you’re reading this, we have no doubt that you take your cause seriously. You know it’s your path to seeing souls saved. It’s the path God has called you to, for His glory. And, it's the life you love because it's the life God has given you.

So, here's our question for you:

Are you ready to step up into a bigger vision? Are you ready to start raising support? Or dramatically grow your current support base? Are you ready to step into everything that more financial stability would mean for you? More building projects? More care packages? More resources for the people you serve? A bigger impact in the world?

If you know that anything is possible with the right strategy, the right support and total focus and commitment, then Fully Funded Academy is for you.

Who Is Fully Funded Academy NOT For?

It's Not for the "Tire Kicker"

This is the person who just wants to “kind of” check things out. You can’t “kind of” create a thriving donor base that creates a steady stream of recurring revenue. Success doesn’t just “kind of” happen. You have to be intentional right from the get go.

Getting these types of results takes a commitment. Would you want to fly with a pilot who “kind of” knew how to fly? Or go into surgery with a doctor who “kind of” knew what she was doing? Of course not!

Fully Funded Academy is for people who are committed to funding their ministry a better way and are willing to shift away from old habits. If the commitment isn’t there, then this is NOT the right program for you and we ask that you please do not sign up.

It's Not for the "Money Magician"

This is the person who thinks that just by enrolling, thousands of dollars are going to magically start rolling into the bank account. As mentioned above, it takes a commitment to learn and actually requires action. You have to implement.

If you apply what you learn, you will get results. But the results won’t come just because you enrolled. You have to actually use what you learn.

It's Not for the "Mr. or Ms. Know-It-All" or "Been There, Done That"

What we’ll be sharing with you works and we have LOTS of real world stories of clients who have doubled, tripled, or even 10x'd their support. If you’re someone who likes to focus on why something “wouldn’t work”, then this is not for you either.

We’ve said before, many of the strategies are counter intuitive to what most people teach – and that’s partly why they work so well. You have to be open to what we're sharing otherwise it’s going to be a frustrating experience for all three of us.

Will This Work For Me?

If you’ve read this far, we know that you’re serious. But there could be a few questions running through your mind such as…

"Is this program suited for short-term missionaries, or career missionaries?"

The principles we'll teach you apply to any and every missionary who needs to raise support. That may sound like a broad answer, but think about the context: in years of working with missionaries, we've yet to meet a single one who said they have "enough" support -- even if they're fully funded.

There are always other projects missionaries want to fund: to build churches, hire team members, purchase books and resources, or provide for felt needs like food, water, and clothing.

That's why we've been able to help missionaries regardless of what stage they are in: aspiring missionaries who have yet to raise a single dollar, 20-somethings who "give a year to pray about a lifetime" in missions, and career missionaries who have spent years or even decades in the field.

Raising support in today's world means that you must be able to communicate to today's donors. These folks need to be contacted in a way that is natural to them. That's why our framework will help you no matter what: we're bringing you best practices in professional fundraising and digital marketing.

"Will this program work for me if I serve in a closed nation?"

Absolutely. In fact, some of our most successful students work in closed regions through East Asia and the Middle East. They've experienced tremendous success because our methods aren't based on just using the internet like websites and social media, though you'll certainly learn how to leverage those if you'd like.

If you read the section above, you'll see that the strategies we're teaching you are all about clarifying your message and getting the right people around you who can rally others to your cause. If you work in a closed nation, you've already seen this phenomenon in effect: it's why you can secure preaching engagements and face-to-face meetings already, even if you're not broadcasting what you do on a website. 

We're going to show you how to leverage your current donor base even more, and strategically build a team around you that can help. Even Moses had Aaron hold up his arms -- and we're going to help you find others who will do the same for you. You are not alone.

"I'm worried I won't have enough time to do this program."

The last thing we all want is something else on our to-do list. That’s where Fully Funded Academy is unique. With years of experience helping thousands of missionaries who serve in different environments, we know what works -- and we're only sharing the best, most efficient approaches.

In fact, we think you'll be surprised at how simple some of the strategies are. Success is sequential, not simultaneous. If you just do things in the right order, you'll see results -- and that's exactly what we're going to show you.

That’s why the entire program has been intentionally structured to help you absorb the content and get your fundraising efforts optimized, fast.

“How is this different from other programs?” 

This is the only membership that is based on years of best practices from fundraising for thousands of missionaries, ministries, and non-profits in a way that factors in best-practices from professional fundraising for large charities as well as best-practices in current-day marketing.

Your donors are bombarded with noise every day -- social media, email, news, the list goes on and on. We've crafted and honed a proven framework to help you do more than just cut through the noise. We've created a framework that helps you, step-by-step, put together an intentional and practical fundraising plan, year round.

This isn’t based off a one-time success. It’s the accumulation of strategies, from hundreds of different people, all distilled down into a blueprint for recurring success. You don’t have to experiment to hopefully find something that works. Just follow the blueprint. It’s been proven to work over and over again.

And don’t forget, we’ve been doing this for private clients for years, and every single month we are personally coaching and advising other high level organizations on how to clarify their message and raise money. 

“I don’t want to create another job for myself."

Neither do we! That’s why the strategy that is outlined in Fully Funded Academy is designed to help you create high value content in a super efficient way.

Following our framework, you can design an approach where you can create a year-round fundraising strategy in less than 3 hours a MONTH. You'll be able to customize your approach based on times of the year, including year-end support in the winter as well as your travel plans for furlough.

“I always get stuck on the technology.”

The good news is that the technology options available today make this a LOT easier. In fact, inside Fully Funded Academy we have an entire “tech vault” containing tutorials for a wide variety of platforms.

No matter what option is right for you and the way you best communicate with your donors, you’ll have our full support when it comes to your questions about websites, photos, email options, donation platforms, and more.

“But there is already so many other missionaries raising support. I feel like I'm lost in the crowd.”

Great! That’s actually a really good sign. Here’s why … a lot of noise creates confusion and overwhelm. People don’t know what to do or who to pay attention to. Today more than ever, people don’t want “more stuff”. They want clarity and direction.

We'll walk you through the most effective way to bring clarity to potential donors so they see why they should support your cause. When you do, you’ll stand out like a beacon of light. When everything else is overwhelming, you’ll be cutting through the noise with clarity, confidence and momentum.

“Nobody will listen to me … I’m not [fill-in-the-blank].”

The easiest thing to do is look at what we DON'T have rather than what we DO have. Sure, it can feel like our support has dried up, or our donors are distracted and overwhelmed -- but the reality is that there are way more out there.

We're going to show you how to reconnect with your current and past supporters in a fresh way that helps you build a team and tribe of supporters. These aren't just people who are willing to support you financially or in prayer, but people who want to get word out about you.

Yes, you're a child of God called to a unique assignment. The journey requires faith -- but that doesn't mean you can't (or shouldn't) have a plan. We're going to show you, using our area of expertise, how to get in front of the right people that will support your cause. 

“My ministry is so small … I’m not sure this would be worth it.”

A smaller ministry is actually a real advantage. Why? Because you’ll see much higher response. The fact is that a smaller ministry has a far better relationship with their donor list. If you feel you're a smaller ministry, realize that you know your donors in a much more intimate way -- and they'll know you, too.

Plus, in Fully Funded Academy you’ll have access to the list building strategies that we’ve found to be the most effective in growing a donor base.

“How much can I expect to make?”

There is no way we can promise any specific amount. In fact, it would be outright irresponsible of us for even trying. Here’s why… you and everyone else registering for Fully Funded Academy are going to be serving completely different regions, and thus contacting completely different potential donors.

Combine that with the fact that we have no idea what your skill level is like or what experience you have. So there are a lot of variables. Here’s what we do know…

Backed By Proof: Fully Funded Academy Gets Real People, Real Results.

Fully Funded Academy has been proven to get results in a wide variety of ministries. Take a look at some recent students who decided Fully Funded Academy was right for them:

Christian & Hannah Swails

"We have been supporting raising for the last 3 years and raised 60% of our goal. After implementing the strategies from Mike and Mary we have sky rocketed to 95% in just 2 months. We are so thankful for Mike and Mary and their obedience to God’s calling on their lives!"

Nora McNamara

"I've been a missionary for over 20 years and so thankful for Fully Funded Academy. It's changed my whole story in support-raising. They've given me tools that have given me confidence, and as a result people are giving more. It's taught me to serve and not 'sell' the ministry. Such good stuff!"

Don Allen

"Thanks to an email approach and a fundraising sequence that I learned in Fully Funded Academy, I surpassed my $2,500 fundraising goal for a month-long overseas coaching trip after only 10 days!"

We've Re-Opened For A Limited-Time! Doors Close October 31st, 11:59pm PT.

Due to popular demand, we've re-opened access to Fully Funded Academy this fall for just a few days. Over 150 other missionaries and campus ministry leaders have joined us to get fully funded. Consider joining us!









We've Said It Once, We'll Say It Again

If you follow the training we provide for you, you will make progress, and that’s why we guarantee it with a…

"You're Fully Covered" Guarantee: Try It for A Full 14-Days, 100% Risk Free.

If you are unhappy with Fully Funded Academy during the first 2 weeks, we want to give you your money back. Here's why:

Over the last eighteen years, we've worked with thousands of missionaries and organizations in a variety of "markets" -- but they all had one thing in common: the need to raise more money.

We've also been coaching and consulting larger organizations to help them clarify their message and raise more money. We've seen what works in more markets than we can possibly explain. That means we've invested thousands of hours mastering this craft and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of our own money testing, tweaking and identifying the few key strategies that make all the difference.

These strategies have produced tremendous results for us and our clients. But before putting them into a program, we knew we needed to replicate them in a wide variety of markets.

So for the last year we've flown all over the world sharing the academy materials with multiple groups – many of which started with no idea on how to even get started with becoming fully funded. And after they implemented these strategies, they too saw profound results that allowed them to fund their ministries. The Fully Funded approach just flat out works.

Here's How the Guarantee Works

Go through the program. If you don’t love it, email us during the first 14 days, show us you’re doing the exercises, and we'll immediately send you a prompt and courteous refund.

By the way, we ask you to send us your work because we know if you implement what we teach, you will get results. However, if you’re thinking of purchasing without doing anything, we both know you won’t make any progress.

We're not interested in spending energy supporting “tire kickers”… and hopefully this isn’t you. Our Fully Funded tribe will be made up of people who take their ministries seriously: people who understand the value of recurring donations and what that means for their long term success. These are the people we know will succeed with Fully Funded Academy.

That’s why we want you to go through the course for 14 days, implement what we share and begin experiencing the benefits. Fully Funded Academy is the most complete system for producing a stable, reliable, recurring revenue stream… and we can’t wait to help you do the same. But…

We've Re-Opened For A Limited-Time! Doors Close October 31st, 11:59pm PT.

There's a specific reason registration is only available for a short period of time...









We like spending more of our time serving our students vs. promoting a program. So like a college or university, enrollment is only open for a short period of time. Then we shift gears to focus our energy on teaching, supporting and helping you create a thriving donor base and get fully funded.

That’s why it’s important you know that this limited-time enrollment period ends at 11:59pm PT on Wednesday October 31st. You must register before this time. Just know this…

There Has Never Been a Better Time THAN RIGHT NOW.

We live in an exciting time. Never before has there been so much opportunity to reach and serve so many people. But that also means there is a lot of change that’s happening around us. Some people will keep up with the change. Others will not.

To make the progress you want in your ministry and life, you’ve got to break your old habits. The way you’re going to do that is by investing in this program. We're going to walk you through, step-by-step, the process of creating a steady stream of recurring financial support with more stability and less stress.


As you look to make a decision, just know this … your time is valuable. The more effective and busier your ministry becomes, the more valuable your time becomes. But that creates a tension, and you will continue to feel that tension unless you find a way to leverage your time and energy ... better. We both know that you can’t produce more time. But you can make a shift. You can shift away from an outdated support-raising model that makes you feel like you can never keep up … and commit to a support-raising model that will allow you to leverage your time, serve your people in a bigger way, and produce a reliable, recurring income stream.

Ask yourself this … What is important in your life right now? What do you want to achieve in the months ahead? What personal and ministry goals do you have that keep getting pushed to the back burner because you’re always too busy hustling to raise support?

You have an opportunity to do something about that right now. Today. If you want to truly make a difference in your ministry, in your life and in the lives of your community, then join us.

We Will Be Here To Support You ALL THE WAY

Fully Funded Academy is a program that will help you create far more leverage in your ministry and in your life. So if you want to grow your donor base and raise more support with less stress and better results, then we invite you to say “yes”. Yes to more leverage. Yes to recurring support. Yes to a greater impact for your community.

Let this be the beginning of your journey. We look forward to being your guide along the way. Click the button below and register now. We’ll see you inside the program.

BONUS: Free Ticket to Fully Funded Workshop ($497 value)

March 18-19, 2019 in San Diego, CA

Are you committed to taking the next year of your ministry to break old habits and raise support a better way? Then sign up for the annual membership and we'll give you a FREE ticket (plus your spouse or one team member) to our next Fully Funded Workshop!

This is our annual gathering of missionaries from around the world. Here’s why this event is THE go-to event for any missionary who wants to be fully funded...

We'll dive into the core concepts of creating your support raising plan, but we'll also showcase the awesomeness within our Fully Funded tribe.

Attend and you'll come away with a deeper understanding of the concepts … and you will too because you’ll see and hear examples of their application in so many different ways. It’s mind blowing and incredibly inspiring.

This is a can't miss event, and if you register for the annual package, it's yours FREE.

Enroll For Annual Plan »

UPGRADE: VIP "Done-For-You" One Day Intensive to Build Your Website (5 Spots Only)

If you really want to take your platform to the next level, we've invited our professional web designer Jason Clement, our digital marketing whiz Liz Pineda, and a professional photographer to build all of your marketing materials for you.

This 1-Day intensive will take place March 17th, the day before the Fully Funded Workshop. There are only 5 spots available, and you'll get top-shelf help in getting your website DONE.

If this isn't in your budget, consider asking your supporters to fund this option for you! We need to pay our team for their travel and labor, but this is a terrific option if you're the type of person who prefers a turnkey solution.

This option is available by application only and requires a refundable $797 deposit (which will be credited to your payment if accepted). Interested? Click the button to apply!


We've Re-Opened For A Limited-Time! Doors Close October 31st, 11:59pm PT.

Due to popular demand, we've re-opened access to Fully Funded Academy this fall for just a few days. Over 150 other missionaries and campus ministry leaders have joined us to get fully funded. Consider joining us!












8 core Fully Funded modules

Monthly Masterclasses + Monthly group coaching calls

Access to our private Fully Funded Tribe Facebook community + direct access to Mary & Mike

Enroll Now »




8 core Fully Funded modules

Monthly Masterclasses

Monthly group Q&A calls

Access to private Fully Funded Tribe Facebook community

BONUS: free ticket to Fully Funded Workshop • March 17-19, 2019 in San Diego ($497 value)

Enroll Now! »




Everything in Annual package

VIP "Done-For-You" 1-Day to Build Your Website: March 17, 2019 in San Diego

By application only. Requires a refundable $997 deposit (credited to your payment if accepted). Apply below.

Apply Now »

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